Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things toddlers do

My daughter has this book called "Things Toddlers Do" and she absolutely LOVES it. I think its because it has real pictures of kids her age doing things like climbing, smelling flowers, eating ice cream, etc. etc.

I thought it was a great book until we came to the page that told my kid that toddlers "bang on pots". We already struggle to keep her out of things in the kitchen, and this book wasn't helping. I thought to myself, "Stupid book, teaching my kids to make a mess...yadda, yadda, yadda". You get the point; I was complaining.

Then I suddenly thought, "Amanda, you're complaining way too much." I was. So instead of complaining about a book which is actually really good for my daughter, I thought I'd blog about the things my toddler does. After all, she won't be a toddler forever. These messes can be cleaned up. And ten years from now I'll probably be complaining about the life of a preteen and wishing I was picking up pots and pans again.

So, without further delay, I present to you, "Things My Toddler Does". Enjoy :)

Toddlers drink from cups

 Toddlers do tricks, like laying their head to the side when you ask them to "be cute"!

Toddlers make a HUGE mess, especially when eating brownies.

 Toddlers bang on pots.

Toddlers dress themselves... it can be interesting!

Toddlers play on the slide!

 Toddlers make silly faces!

Toddlers make a BIG mess in their room when they are supposed to be taking a nap!

Toddlers throw tantrums when you ask them to clean up their messes!

Toddlers stand on their head!

Toddlers can't wait for Daddy to come home after work!

I love my little toddler! She keeps me on my toes, but that's kind of what toddlers do.

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