Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's kind of like a garage sale... where you don't make any money.

In the aftermath of the E5 tornado that hit Joplin, MO our church is working with another area church collecting items for a relief trip that will head out to the disaster area on Memorial day. We've been working hard over the past two days to get people to donate items for us to take with us. We've even had lots of local businesses participate by donating goods or giving us gift cards that we can use to purchase goods ourselves. It's been pretty amazing.

I've seen some really amazing things happen when God takes control of a situation. I've seen a church built in Honduras. I've seen a basement wall re-built in Mansfield, Ohio. I've seen a family given a home when theirs was unlivable. I've seen people serve as foster parents for my brothers when times were hard for my family. I've seen a little girl who wasn't supposed to live more than a few weeks celebrate her birthday over and over again.

I've watched God provide for my family when I gave on faith and faith alone. He's proven it time and time again. I had a friend recently post a quote on facebook that read "maybe the amazing thing about amazing grace is the chance we have to give it away... and maybe that's what love is all about".

So my challenge to you is this: give on faith. Give the clothing that you were going to put in your garage sale. Perhaps you need that money... trust that God will take care of it. Or maybe, you'll find out you didn't need that money after all, but a baby in Joplin needed clothes. Instead of going to see a movie, go buy a pack of diapers and some toilet paper. I mean, how uncomfortable would you be if you suddenly had no toilet paper? Yikes!

If you believe about God, what you say you believe about God, then why hesitate when an opportunity is presented to you to show his love to someone else. Maybe God is trying to draw you into a closer relationship with him. The question you have to face is; "Is that really what I want?" It's a hard question to face honestly. But f your answer is truly "yes" then your path is pretty clear.

Here's a list of items that are needed right now. If you're in the Mansfield area they can be dropped off at Lexington Church of Christ or Ontario Christian Church. The team is leaving Monday. You can also donate funds to my friends already working in Joplin at .

Clothing (all sizes including underwear)
Trash Bags
Non-perishable food items
Hair products for African Americans
Peanut butter
Baby formula*
Baby food*
Baby wipes*
Laundry detergent
Pain relievers
Duct tape
50 count paper plates
Denture products

*Items are the most pressing need at the moment. We DO NOT need bottles water right now.

Be bold. Make a difference. Trust that God is bigger than your garage sale.

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