Yet, after cleaning poop from three sets of pj's, listening to my son scream for 45 minutes straight while I had a headache and hearing that blasted Navy bear song for the bazillionth time, I came out of my daughter's room tonight with tears in my eyes because I know that all too soon these days will be behind me.
On Wednesday my daughter will start her first soccer lessons. In three weeks my son will start eating solid foods. I finished packing up all of my maternity clothes to be given away. In five years time, both of my kids will be in school. And I know myself. I know that when I walk my son into his first day of kindergarden, I'm going to wish that he was back at home with me, smiling at the red bird on his play mat.
I've lost my figure, my sanity and countless hours of sleep. I've given up wine for 9 months (twice!). I now eat my mac and cheese with sweet potatoes hidden in it. I watch more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than Food Network.
I'm trying to take in every moment. I'm trying to cling on to every little detail, to make certain it is locked in my memory forever. on those days where I just want to throw something through a window, I try to remember how quickly they grow up. I try to remember how my heart melted when we were all curled up together watching cartoons in bed. Because one of these days, I'm gonna miss this.
What memories do you hold dear? What are you gonna miss when your kiddos are all grown up?
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