Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stop at Nothing: KONY 2012

I know that I write a lot of posts about causes that I care for, but here's another one. Sorry people... there's a lot of things to fight for in this world.

But this one hits home as a mother. I can't imagine a life where I have to live in fear that my kids could be abducted in the night. I can't imagine worrying that Saoirse would be forced into the sex slave industry and the Reuben would be forced to carry a gun and kill people when he is just a child.

That is why I am standing behind this. It is wrong that this goes on anywhere in the world. And for once, we have the chance to capture the worst of the worst in Uganda.

I know I ask you to stand with me a lot. I know it must get annoying hearing me go on and on about causes that deserve your attention and support. I know you get tired of me asking you for money for my latest walk or run or army obstacle course or wearing a daffodil costume to collect coins on a busy street. But if you're gonna get behind me on anything, make it this.

Share this video, sign the online petition, write to your congressmen, donate, get the kit... do whatever you can. Please help make this world a better place for my kids... for your kids... for the kids in Uganda... for the children all around the world.

It's a 30 minute video, but it's worth your time.

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