Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two under 2

Today is the last day I can say I have two under 2. It seems surreal that Saoirse is turning 2 tomorrow. I mean, not on the tantrum front. Man alive, she's been throwing tantrums forever! I mean, just thinking that she's officially a two year old... I don't know how to handle that thought.

Every night after she goes to bed, her dad and I come out into the living room and cry because we know that we are one night closer to her being all grown up and out of the house. And hitting the 2 year mark just makes that truth hit home. She's growing up. She's growing up and there's nothing I can do about it.

Tomorrow night I'll post pictures of her birthday and blog about all the fun stuff we did, but today I want to do a brief recap of her year.

She proved how grown up she was when daddy left for training all summer long. For a one year old, that is a VERY long time. 

Especially when you have a daddy as wonderful as hers.

But she got to visit him at Newport. She especially loved playing with him on the beach!

She had lots of fun over the summer! She went to the pool,

she played with her friends, Shirah and Miles,

she discovered the pleasure of a sand box,

she gained another Uncle,

and she became a BIG sister!

She moved across the country to sunny San Diego.

She became OBSESSED with the zoo!

She started soccer.

She fell in love with Lady and the Tramp :)

She fell in love with Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

She started doing everything we did. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the baby... you name it!

Even playing video games like Daddy.

Oh yeah, and the tantrums. Oh my, the tantrums!

Yet, throughout it all, she still managed to be the most adorable little girl in the world! Although, we're a bit biased.

It has been a whirlwind year. So many changes, so many new things to see and do. It's been so fun watching her little personality develop. She's a pip! She doesn't look a thing like me, but she definitely has my personality. She's smart, she's sassy, she's kind, she's energetic, she's determined, she's loving ... and a million other things. But to sum it all up, she's amazing!

I can't imagine my life without her. She has taught me love, grace, patience and forgiveness. I'm constantly amazed at how I love her. I go to bed thinking, "I cannot possibly love my kids anymore." And yet, every day, I love them more than the day before. I can't believe God blessed us so richly.

Happy 2nd Birthday baby girl! We love you so much and can't wait to see the person God has created you to be!


  1. So precious! Glad you were able to take the time to ponder her year :)

  2. It involved a lot of tears Barbie! But, the good kind :)
